LTR032The CaretakerEverywhere, an empty bliss2024

Following up on the digital release of his masterpiece ‘Everywhere at the end of time’, LEITER is proud to share another acclaimed work by The Caretaker via all streaming platforms. ‘Everywhere, an empty bliss’ was the twelfth and final release by the moniker of English musician Leyland Kirby. Released in February 2019, the album was compiled from archived tracks and offered for free download by Kirby as “a surprise golden farewell” to end his Caretaker project.
First conceived in 1999, The Caretaker is Manchester-born Leyland James Kirby’s longest-running, best-known project, with almost a dozen, frequently lengthy albums to its name. Kirby – an exceptional, innovative artist who, under different aliases, has constantly redefined himself in multiple ways – uses treated, manipulated and otherwise degrading samples of 1920s and 1930s ballroom recordings to explore ideas of memory and its gradual deterioration, as well as the confusing and, on occasion, conflicting senses of nostalgia and melancholia which can accompany this. Most of them released on vinyl and CD via Kirby’s ‘History Always Favours The Winners’ label, The Caretaker’s works have received critical acclaim worldwide but until now his catalogue has been wholly unavailable on streaming platforms.